Microbiology Department

Microbiology Department is Concerned With the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Infections and diseases.


  • routine Aerobic Culture & Sensitivity of Various Clinical Specimens (Like Respiratory Specimen Including Sputum specimens, Endotracheal Secretion, BAL, Pleural Fluid, Other Body Fluids Like Ascitic Fluid, CSF, Bile Fluid, Wound or Tissue, etc Culture & Sensitivity)
  • Aerobic Blood Culture. 
  • Microscopy: Gram Stain, Z-N/AFB Stain, Modified ZN Stain KOH Mount.
  • Parasitology: Stool Routine Microscopy, Modified ZN Stain.
  • Fungal Culture: & Antifungal for Yeast.
  • Environmental  Surveillance Cultures.
  • Infection Prevention & Comfort Practices.

Cardiac & Medical Camp

On 10.01.2023, Under the Marble City Hospital and Research Center Jabalpur, a Heart and Medical check-up camp was organized …

Cardiac and Medical Check-up Camp at Gyan Ganga College.

On 03.01.2023 Under the Marble City Hospital & Research Center, a health check-up and heart disease check-up camp was …

Looking for help is sign of strength

Expert & Experienced Surgen in order of their severity or intensity. The main aim of this form of therapy is to change …