Category: <span>Children Therapy</span>

Help your child find new friends

Anxiety is something that exists in everyone’s life to a certain extent, and in a way it is medically known to be helpful as well. Because, anxiety helps us stay alert and be reactive to our circumstances, whether joyful or painful. However, when the anxiety reaches the stage where it overwhelms you mentally and physically, and affects your normal routine of life, you need the help of a clinical psychologist.

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Cardiac & Medical Camp

On 10.01.2023, Under the Marble City Hospital and Research Center Jabalpur, a Heart and Medical check-up camp was organized …

Cardiac and Medical Check-up Camp at Gyan Ganga College.

On 03.01.2023 Under the Marble City Hospital & Research Center, a health check-up and heart disease check-up camp was …

Looking for help is sign of strength

Expert & Experienced Surgen in order of their severity or intensity. The main aim of this form of therapy is to change …